Are You an Inefficient Reader?

So many times people walk through my office door who just don’t like to read. It’s exhausting, not enjoyable, and sometimes they have to read things more than once to know what they read. I also have people who walk through my door who see their kids struggling with reading. They may have a child that is always the last one done on an assignment or when taking a test. Their child may be tired after reading just a few pages of a book or find that they jump around on the page when reading, which slows everything down. 

What is an Inefficient Reader?

Being an inefficient reader is something more common than you might think, research tells us that 30% of all readers are inefficient readers. For efficient readers, reading is not something that takes a lot of work of energy. An efficient reader easily navigates the text on the page while at the same time being able to use their mental energy to comprehend the text.

For an inefficient reader, so much effort is used to follow along with the text that comprehension goes down which in the end leads to a lack of motivation. Inefficient readers as adults are often those people who just simply don’t like to read, and they can’t even imagine how it could be for someone else. Students who struggle with inefficient reading often lack motivation for reading and school work. 

Reading is a Physical and Cognitive Process

Reading is an act that is both a physical and cognitive process. Our eyes must follow along with the text on the page, while at the same time working along with our brain to put meaning and gain understanding from the text. A fluent reader’s visual and perceptual skills are efficient.  In contrast, it takes an inefficient reader a lot of work and time to navigate the text which then lowers their ability to comprehend what they are reading. Some inefficient readers are also diagnosed with a learning difference, but many are not. You can have both or one and not the other. 

How can You Help an Inefficient Reader?

So what can you do to help an inefficient reader? First, acknowledge that they may have a different reading experience than you and that it is actually more work for their body to read and process information. It’s not a matter of laziness or them avoiding reading because they can’t, it’s really truly a lot of work for them! Second, schedule a free consultation with Brain Breakthrough Therapy today! We offer a free screening that allows you to find out where you are are an inefficient reader or not. We also  specialize in helping inefficient readers become efficient readers in a matter of days!

Schedule a free consultation today! 

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